Thursday, May 6, 2010


wooh.....! Finally my last paper has past. The last exam in my university life has end. My university life has come to the end.
Now is 2.30a.m, I will be leaving here in seven hours later.
At the seven hours before I leave, many feelings stir together in my heart.
Supposed I be very happy and can't wait to leave this jungle, but when the moment really came, the feeling is different from what I have expected before.
I am feeling sad and reluctant to leave my friends here.
Soo Huah just message told me that she cries after watch the video I made for her. Tuan Sing also cries when he send goodbye message to his best friends here.
I can feel the air is full of sorrow.
I hate this feeling, it's the same as I left my ns camp last time.
Why we always need to depart with those we already get closed?
I don't understand.
May be I won't be understand forever.
Because I don't want to know the answer...

Here I come to the corner of my life, the corner to another stage of my life.
I am no longer a student.
I am no longer depend on my parents.
When I start working, they are the one who depend on me.
I wish to get a great job so that I could have a great life!
After my financial is stable, I wish I can go travel around the world.
I wish I can fulfill my dreams.
Whatever dreams I have.
Wish me good luck!

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